

Lisa Ferranti is a writer, marketer and mother (not necessarily in that order). She hopes to also one day add butcher, baker and candlestick maker to her repertoire.

Her fiction has been a Top 25 finalist in a Glimmer Train Family Matters contest, twice shortlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Award, twice a Reflex Fiction contest finalist, and highly commended in the 2018 Hemingway Shorts contest. Her stories have been nominated for The Best American Short Stories Anthology and Best Small Fictions, and have twice been included on the Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions Longlist.

Her stories and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in RUBY Literary, Literary Mama, Janus Literary, Ellipsis Zine, FlashFlood Journal, Lost Balloon, Cabinet of Heed, Truffle Magazine, New Flash Fiction Review, Emerge Literary Journal, and elsewhere. 

Lisa holds a BA in English from The University of Akron, plus she’s attended many writing classes and workshops to connect with, and learn from, other writers.

She is forever grateful for her writing “tribes” and is a proud member of the Lliterary Llamas and the Quills. She lives a (long) stone’s throw from Cleveland with her family.